Thursday, January 23, 2014

Hyderabad Delight

New Year for me started on a travelling note, I had to travel to Hyderabad. And it was my maiden visit to the city. On 31st of December, I travelled to Delhi from where I had to board the train to Hyderabad. It was an early morning train and some 24 hours long journey. On the eleventh hour, some changes were made to the travelling plan. Someone who was supposed to accompany me on this travel couldn’t reach Delhi because of the weather, as no flights took off from the Sheikh-ul-Alam International Airport on that day. A friend who stays in Delhi after certain persuasion agreed to accompany.
Starting our travel on an early New Year morning was dampened with the arrival of Train Ticket Examiner (TTE), who while checking our identities said that the friend who was accompanying me on someone else’s ticket could not continue the journey. And only after putting a thousand rupee note in his pocket did he stop complaining. And while I thought the worst part was over, I soon realised that three more TTE’s would change before we would reach our destination. And the practice of greasing the hands of TTE’s continued with depreciation though. And it totally looked an all time thing for them; I have not ever in my life encountered such straight forwardness among corrupt officials.
Finally, on early 2nd January morning we reached Secunderabad Railway station, one of the three main railway stations in Hyderabad. When we got down the train, first thing we noticed was the cleanliness of the station. Having travelled from H Nizamudin Railway station to Secunderabad Railway station, this one looked more like the newly built metro station, with proper placement of things around. There is something about this city, so tired after some 25 hours of long journey, once in the city we felt fresh and relaxed. We went to the hotel, freshened up and started our tour.
Travelling from north which was caught up in cold weather and fog to the south where the sun was shining and temperature touching 30 degree’s, it was a blessing. Not only the weather but people were completely different, humble and hospitable. Right from the time when we got down the train, we felt the change.
The tour of course had to start from the Mecca Masjid, an oldest Masjid in Hyderabad and one of the biggest in India. Build by Sultan Muhammad Qutub Shah, from the bricks made from the soil brought from Mecca. Adjacent to Mecca Masjid is Char Minar, built by Sultan Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah in 1591, after he shifted his capital from Golconda to Hyderabad.
Char Minar is surrounded by old Delhi like markets, though unique in nature with a variety of products from bangles to pearls and embroidered suits to electronic items. It is a shopper’s paradise and you can buy a lot of things that connect the present to the past. Also, many famous Biryani eat outs are found in the market.
The must see places in Hyderabad also include Hussain Sagar Lake, Lumbini park and the Golconda fort. But, one place which needs special mention is Salar Jung Museum, one of the three National Museums in India located on the southern bank of Musi River. Among its collection of sculptures, paintings, carvings, textiles, manuscripts, ceramics, metallic artefacts, carpets, clocks, and furniture the Museum has a famous   Quran Collection from around the World in different fonts and designs. It also has many artefacts from Kashmir.
But the real beauty of Hyderabad does not come from these must see places but from the people, who are gentle and sober.  Hyderabad’s are a pretty friendly people and their attitude towards people is positive and helpful. All in all, it is a pleasant city.

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