Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Divided, again!

The Princely state of Kashmir, which sustained its individuality and identity all through the British rule, became a dispute, after two Independent Nations were created. While the two nations breathed fresh, Kashmir was choked. And, so were the aspirations, dreams and desires of Kashmiri people. Some win, some lose its pat of the game but when a game costs hundred thousand people, it becomes a dreaded reality. Something one needs to ponder over, and give a genuine thought.
If some one asks me about two nation theory, I would say, my regards for it are more than that for Quantum theory and Newton’s Laws. Yes, yes I am not a science student but every one is aware about these two theories. None of the theories is directly related to the humanity or have any human regard. Sir Mohammad Iqbal gifted people of Hindustan with this unparallel gift. But then that was based on logic and conscience.
Kashmir faced its first partition, in 1947-1948 war, resulting in Azad Kashmir and Indian Occupied Kashmir. Lines of Division quite clear from the name. And now, as some one calls it, “Two and a Half districts” have almost parted away, with the Hindu Fanatics trying to divide the same on communal lines. I wonder, and am amazed at the intellect of the common jammuites, who do not understand that in a Muslim Majority state, where about two hundred thousand Muslims were massacred in communal riots. Others maintained the calm, not because they could not take revenge but because they wanted a peaceful state which was not divided on communal lines.
I believe it’s high time for the people of Jammu to decide their fate of sustaining their individuality or get lost in the sea of people they do not identify with.

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