Sunday, October 5, 2008


May be I wasn’t made to hammer my self into a brute force of tyranny. I have some self repository principles which can’t be broke. No, do not consider me to be an epitome of Justice. It’s better to simplify certain odds in life, just now and here so that they do not haunt you in future. The feeling of how my world would have been like, if I would have done that should not come. Not even out of the frustration of life. Regrets are for fools, wise men learn through their mistakes.
Who so ever dreams of Freedom, cannot by any brand of force or brutality be subjugated by the oppressors. Nor, can he be corrupted by invitation to power by the tyrants. Honestly speaking, nothing less than transformation of a dream into reality can actually take away a dream. Thus we stand guard to our aspirations and wishes, which we have nurtured in our heats for a long time now. It’s just that the volcano has been erupted with the sea of showing their determination for the cause. The domination is of the people, who have been victims of oppression and who now stand stalwart to make the world hear their woes.
We are not ready to forget, not the mother who lost her son. Not the sister who lost her brother. Not the father who shouldered his son to the grave yard. We are to remember the road to our destiny- Freedom.

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