Sunday, September 7, 2008

Unarmed Soldiers!

A clear spring morning,

draped with the smell of blood.

Pathways, all across

have been painted red.

How many would they kill today?

Perhaps not a million on the way.

I fear my death for no reason,

Life doesn’t promise honor either.

Daggers have stabbed our hearts,

bullets have pierced through.

Stun guns fired from short range,

killing all in family though.

We march on the streets,

with hands high above shoulders.

We are the unarmed soldiers

of an occupied nation.

I do not face the mirror,

I saw a martyr in a friend.

He lives in the memories

in soul of her mother.

Millions are on the roads,

for thousands who have been killed.

We shoulder them to graveyards,

not their convictions.

Kashmir is in news again,

but they painted it colourless.

Again we are discarded,

again we go unnoticed.

They glorify their tales, acclaim our Killers.

They called our freedom struggle, “Terrorism”.

What would end our woes?

We have genocide in waiting.

Entitle me an opinion,

Do not hijack my thoughts.

Let me talk,

…world hears.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My investigations into the blogs of various young Kashmiri bloggers, have confirmed my worst fears. You guys dont want to be part of India, which seems more than fair enough given what the Union government and the army has done to the people there.

But let me ask you, when you say azadi, what exactly does it mean ? This BBC article seemed very ambiguous and left me very confused. So do you personally want a sovereign Kashmir, with its own army, foreign service and complete secession from India ? That was the impression I got from the bloggers but the BBC article seemed a bit ambiguous.

I understand your negative feelings about India but I feel very angry about some of the statements that I have read on these blogs. Where else on the earth can you find places as different and unique as Goa and Sikkim, Kerala and Meghalaya, Tamil Nadu and Punjab, Rajasthan and Himachal Pradesh ? All of India's states have totally different languages and cultures, and Hindus, Muslims and Christians are living in each of the states (I know there are some problems). You will be welcomed in each of them.