Thursday, August 28, 2008

Return to Freedom.

Fear has almost lost its way into the hearts of people. No, I am not designing illusion. I am talking reality. It is the truth of people, moreover the power of masses. I haven’t seen anything like this before but am sure, things more than this are on the way to follow. Its pure obsession for something people have been starving for. It can’t be any far now, but its not going to be easy either. We need to blend our sentiments and our intellect, so that we reach our much desired goal.

While I walk lanes and by-lanes from my house to reach the place of tryst, which is almost the walking distance, to the barren piece of land. Where I would stand, shoulder to shoulder, with my brothers who like me are part of this Revolution, I am stunned to see the sea of people walking along and walking adjacent to me. I slow down my speed, my heart thumping with joy. I wanted some one to hear my heartbeats, but of course there were better things to do. I want to catch my breath, but who cares when one is walking to freedom.

I catch a glimpse of young boys, who have made a circle. Almost 10 of them. They have a pleasant revolutionary voice. Lyrics perfectly pronounced, and tempo rose slowly. Every one of them has right leg inside the circle they have made, while left leg is firmly placed on the ground.

I hear them reciting, Raggda, Raggda, De Raggda, followed by any Indian thing. They are lyrics of a long poem; they seem to have connected various poems but perfectly blend together.

Then there is this young guy, hanging on the bus. One hand cutting through the air like a sharp razor and singing with around hundred people,

Saeb Tou Bahana Hai,

Rawalpindi Jaana hai.

I finally make my way through to the place; all I could see is people. Old and young, rich and poor, father and son and what not. It’s a treat to the eyes. I have never seen something like this before.

And I hear a voice atop the truck, which worked like a stage. It’s a familiar voice, it moves through the air like a sickle. Its rhetoric. Nothing less than a dose of opium.

One single voice asks Hum kya Chahtay? And the one million people reply in one voice. Azaadi. Every single respond reverberates in air till the next slogan is raised.

I then hear one more voice, it familiar as well. He asks people raise their hands, people do. He asks them to raise both hands, and people do. And we have two million hands in the air, a sight very rare.

While people began to leave, I very much see the stampede in coming. But the discipline in people joyously shocks me. I also happen to see a bunch of people shielding army, so that no untoward incident takes place. Now, where do you get to see the discipline in a mob. It seemed Indian government and their agents failed to do their assigned work, that was to create panic, which would leave hundreds dead.

Bravo people, bravo. And yes as they say, “It’s a Revolution”. Indeed it is. And may be we finally have it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful piece. May God bless you and grant Kashmir the much waited Freedom.