Thursday, August 7, 2008

Chronicle- MBA 2006-08 -I

Two years. They say its pretty long time, but for me it has just winged away. I would have never believed time but I have been clicked on both my birthdays which came through. I have every reason to cry and bring out the emotions; something precious is slipping through my hands, leaving memories to live by, for the life to come. I feel the bond with each of 39 students in my class, and will definitely miss each of them. I will miss the stairs, something which attracted me to the department. I will miss my classrooms, walls I hated during lectures. And may be I will miss the faculty for one or the other reason. I have seen the department changing from DMS to TBS; I have seen the Heads change and so did the nomenclature. I am witness to everything that happened during past two years and more than that I have been the part.

Even though the journey starts much before we joined the department and may be ends much longer after we leave – Legacies behind. I thought of sketching my memories through alphabets, with the intention that whenever I feel low in life, I will have memoirs of this wonderful epoch.

My mind is as blank as SAP’s first internal assessment paper. And I walk in through huge aluminum gate. Not even the police guard is standing there. And I dream of owning this university, No idiot’s I don’t want buy it; I just want to be granted an admission. Far away I see bunch of guys standing outside the commerce department. I want to make sure, I look into every one’s eye and see if they feel the same. First time I see Lubaid khan, we look into eyes, shake hands coldly. There is nothing like friendship, it’s just a formality. Never knew life would bring us this close.

Zaib is around too, he was friend since college, so we roam around for some time before he gets into the GD hall. When they come back, I see one guy with all his blood rushed to cheeks throwing away a file containing some documents I took to be certificates. Zaib and I move away just to show our rejection for that very gesture. Yes, that’s Gazi Toufeeq, Roll no: 1, of our class. Prof Shabir was about to promise him a long stay in university if his luck hadn’t favored. And yeah, that long walk to Karim’s on a hot Delhi day, every one is going to remember and curse you for that Gazi.

Finally I get into GD, make sure I do my task well and come out happily. I believe that’s how you feel when you take on nine other guys single handedly. Personnel interview is much simpler, it’s almost cake walk. We discuss books and talk about Da Vinci Code and Holy Grail. It’s almost seems to be a friendly talk.

Few days before when results are expected, I meet Prof.Shabir for the first time in the office of a known Lecturer. I just take one assurance, RESULTS are not MANIPULATED. I simply do not understand what assurances did I want to take, I somehow felt, he just wanted to say, “Come along, I will screw you all through two Sems”. Not many days latter, when I am sitting with few friends in MBA department and the results are expected in few days, I irritate a Mam in Dean’s office to confirm if I have made it. She is very reluctant to answer. When she leaves the office, some one calls my name “Irtif”; she looks back and says, “Is your name Irtif Mehraj”. I nod in assurance. “I typed this name in both the lists of MBA and MFC”, is what I get to hear. I don’t look back and I jump in excitement. I find my friends happier than me. And since this day, I have felt like I own this university.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Two years, man... What a journey it has been... But it really does seem only like yesterday, when we first set our feet into this department... It is true, I did set out of the department earlier than most of us, to have a taste of what the real world feels like... But sometimes I wish I hadn't... Maybe it would've delayed my separation from the wretched IIM Srinagar... Like DJ Saala says in the movie, "University ke andar hum dunya ko nachate hain, aur bahar dunya humein... Tim lak lak te tim lak lak"