Thursday, August 7, 2008

Chronicle- MBA 2006-08 -V

No soon the exams finished, people got busy with preparations for Industrial Tour, something which had kept us motivated all through the first semester. Zaib dragged me along for every work he was entitled to do as a CR, more because “The Placement Officer” had even transferred his work to him. From writing to the IYH for accommodation, to sending the draft, to reserving of air tickets, to arranging local transport to airport, to making of a fake I card for one student, to talking to any girl’s parents who wanted to be sure where they were sending their daughter.

And one Feb day we left, parting away with academics at least for a couple of weeks. We missed Insha and Fawzaan, who missed the trip. Rafi Khan moved in slow motion this day too, making us alarmingly late for the flight. It was not to end here; we had to pick Ayoub mid way which created some confusion as well.

We had almost half the flight space to us. We finally arrived at Delhi amid all the confusions and excitement. It hardly mattered as to what would happen next until we were all together. We were just ready face anything, even the two “SPYWARE VIRUSES” we had along. Once at Delhi airport, we were flocked into taxi’s for IYH.

First thing people did after reaching Delhi was buying Sim cards. Technology has got on every one of us. “Be Connected” seemed to be the new funda of life. The shop we viste for Sim cards was multi dimensional. He even clicked almost all of us for the forms to be filled by Subscribers.

Yea, that chicken Tikka brought life to my taste buds and also sufficed for the dinner. Days which followed were exactly intended to know each other better.

Be it Mehmood’s obsession for ironed clothes. Sameer, Zubair, Faizan and Wajahat’s art of playing cards and infecting almost every one with their game. Waseem and Tabish’s smoking window, which opened late in night. Zaib, Zahid and My accomplishments in keeping people awake all the night. Shafat’s early to bed and early to rise theory. Shahid’s strong communication skills which were duly tested after he talked to almost ever other guy present in hostel. Ovais’s handiness with camera during which he lost half of the best video’s of our tour. Even the one in which I demonstrated my journalistic skills. Zahoor’s book buying ability, he was a KAS aspirant then. Amir’s breakfast, with all unused butter and jam falling on his plate from every corner.. Toufeeq’s managerial ability of eating two Ice-Creams at Nirula without paying even for the one. Wajahat’s style of brushing his teeth while seated on a wash basin. Mubashir’s caring attitude.

Girls while in hostel remained busy with themselves, playing their own games. One thing we know is they took lot of time getting ready except for Aasima and Deeba who always had breakfast with us. Or that Aasima, Saba and Sheen’s stunt of scaring people with some layer of face pack applied. And Shaista’s shopping of a life time.

The dinners where Zahid made sure that every one reached Kashmir House some three hours prior to dinner. And made sure that none of them had a change of taste and did not loose schedule even on this kind of an outing. Zaib, Zahoor, Amir and I had our first dinner at Pakistan Embassy (half the class still doubts) and then followed with other dinners at Al-Quraysh, no that’s not in Lahore. That actually was lots of food with Appy Fizz. Followed usually with Ice-Creams an a long walk back to hostel.

First industrial visit was to Maruti Udyog, where Zaib excitedly asked the manager about their recruiting policy, and disappointedly the answer was, “We Recruit from Premium Institute’s only”. Even then many others’ followed with the same question in other organization’s only to fetch the same answer. Some thing which should have been disappointing but it almost became fun and latter we would joke about it.

Yea, Zaib you brushed Midway, Amir still has the pics. Saba, Aasima and Deeba tried their hands on cycle rickshaw. While guys clicked photos on the driver’s seat of the big bus we traveled in, only Ovais looked real and placed.

Britania- it took us quite some time before we got to the right place.. And finally we made our way into the factory wearing Congress caps. All we could smell was Biscuits, and most of us had the nausea feeling. Amir just looked like Subash Chandra Bose, and Rafi Khan wanted him to be clicked that way. That’s one time I heard Rafi talking, all the other times I was getting to believe that he is dumb. And that wonderful Dialogue of Tabish, “How many biscuits can we take home”, still gives me laughter fits. And Saba, yea she actually made them make tea for us. Ayoub’s gratitude had not even a single changed word from Maruti, not even the names I believe, I did not comprehend if he really knew this was altogether a different industry with different people or that he had just crammed those lines.

Mother Diary. That was a beautiful day. It rained all through the morning, our carriers had improved to a great extent, only that all of us could not be together while travelling. Innova’s and Safari’s was all we had, giving us the feel of being corporate Czars.

Milk most of times irritates my stomach so; I just clicked people gulping down liters together. Not only the milk, but ice creams too. Saba had too in hand. All the day long I thought we would have to hospitalize few of our students, but then I got to appreciate their appetites. That was the last industry we visited.

That open place in IYH, where we would sit for hour’s together, talking and singing. Irritating all other people sleeping sound in Hostel rooms. That English woman who came out in the middle of night to teach us etiquette’s. Best place to sit on was the swing, where we were about to through Ayoub ad Rafi for not allowing us a trip to Taj Mahal.

There aren’t many things which could be ignored during the trip. Just like Febuary 14, when all of us guys wanted to go to Ansal Plaza but girls made sure that they would accompany, whatever the case be. Or that valentine eve when Saba after long speculations presented Tabish a Yellow rose. And Tabish reiterated by giving his socks which he hadn’t washed for at least a year. That’s infectious. Saba got it injected with some high dosage of Norflox latter. But that didn’t improve its condition as such.

That after noon at Apu Ghar, where Aasima made me and Deeba accompany her in almost all the swings and slides. I remember Sheen crying every family member’s name, “Mumma, Paapaa, Naanii, Bayaaa” and tears falling like anything. Rouf was almost unconscious. Nazima made all of us sit around her for about half an hour before she could get to her senses. I still do not understand what on earth they were trying to do, why at all did they have to risk their hearts. But then that also added flavor to the day.

The day did not end there. While Sheen, Aasima, Deeba and I were having Masala Dosa, our brave brothers were fighting Afghan’s. Praise me Zaib, I had made you have some Afghani chicken the day before. Toufeeq and Waseem had gone into negotiations while others were still fighting, that’s what Delhi does to people or may be that was Shabir’s Influence. Iflah and Rouf spilled even the last tear drop somehow making the evening melancholy.

While all the class was on its way back to home, Zaib, Zahid and I were on half India tour. I wonder this day, why did Zaib not buy Paav for the lady. And what made us have Ice-Cream at about 3 am in central Mumbai.

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