Thursday, August 7, 2008

Chronicle- MBA 2006-08 -VII

Second and Third Semesters were slow and were filled with lots of classes, bunks, presentations and to add were role plays, picnics and a certificate course. That one role play by Roof and Tabish till date remains one of the hilarious role plays in our two years.

Visit to Islamic university for the lecture of gentle men who has been gracious enough to grant our department with number of foreign books which are never read for two reasons (i) they are not issued to students. (ii) faculty is not interested in reading.

That picnic to Doodpather, soon after Prof. Sahaf had taken as the Head, I believe was the only one where both Sems and faculty together went for a picnic. Our class was marked with a very low attendance. But food as usual was wonderful, thank you girls. I will really miss that. Water was too cold where as a ritual we submersed. I remember that day more because Zaib was relieved from his duties as CR, the only decision Sahaf took as the Head, and started loosing “Relevance”.

Our first industrial tour in the valley was organized by Ajaz sir with the help of few students particularly Mubashir. We went to Triesh and to their adjacent spices factory. That visit moreover proved to be a picnic; we had our lunch at Wazir Bagh, one of the many beautiful gardens in Islamabad. Class to me seemed broken this day, while I was still entering the garden I saw class broken into two circles and left with no options we had to form the third one. I believe that’s where people started parting away. Some thing many would have not even thought about, others as such were the part. I do not know how many observed it, but all realized in coming days.

Insha and Lubaid had for the first time accompanied class out of the university gates, and almost broke the swings and slides made for children in the park. Leaving away the parted thing, every one had wonderful time. That pic with ice cream on face never made to Lubaid’s Orkut profile.

Some day’s latter, when second semester exams finished of which I missed my two papers because of a conference in Finland. A Strategic Negotiation Certificate course, started in erstwhile DMS, something I considered to the best few hours of learning in the Department. That one role play which I had to do with Tom, Ughh that was too much. Somehow those classes gave me a feel of being a management student.

Then was turn for the controversial Farewell-Fresher’s Party, something where the “Gunda Group” got sticked out again. Where did we get that name? Sahaf once characterizing us to our juniors had coined the word “Gunda Group”, the Revolutionaries as I call it. Always the stand firsts. We were also called as boycott group by our friends in class. We were not a part the party for so many reasons, not to be described here. Lubaid, Fawzaan, Amir, Zaib, Insha, Sheen and Me.

Apart from that I was very much involved with university politics and happened to become the “Founding President of KUSU” during those very days.

And then, the last official picnic we had, no that was unofficial too. Drang, a good experience as well. We enjoyed the long walk to now extinct monuments. and then the food which was followed by some wonderful songs of Zahid made that trip wonderful aswell.

Third Sem exams finished and people started looking for Winter placements, a worse kind of an experience for every one. With around 18 students doing summer project with HDFC, 11 with Reliance and few others in Delhi. Some thing which made me sure, Placements were nothing but a hallucination, which would come down by the time we were in fourth Sem. No companies except from Insurance industry were to come for campus recruitments.

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